Our Story
Worlds of Good Fortune offers gentle, playful, interactive fine art creations that inspire the imagination and stimulate positive, conscious awareness. These beautiful creations are passionate reminders to our essential Self – message from the heart revealing the ever present wellspring of love flowing through and around us in every moment.
This viewing and listening treasure springs from the rich and fertile creation of 45 visionary watercolor paintings and illumining poetry by artist, Trea Christopher Grey. We call these 45 original watercolors the Heartland paintings. The Heartland paintings with their accompanying poetry inspired a grander vision, leading to the creation of impassioned music, as well as 45 complimentary digital images known as The Inner Companion collection.
It is our dream that Worlds of Good Fortune touch all of humanity in a way that gently ignites the possibilities of heaven on earth right now. May this enlivened natural state open new avenues of freedom, providing fresh possibilities to our unique, daily and global challenges.
Trea Christopher Grey says, “Experiencing Worlds of Good Fortune is to till the soil of unlimited creativity sowing seeds of the heart. It is a gateway into Heaven-on-Earth, a garden of universal compassion and peace where we blossom in the magnitude of love.”
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